C# - Compile for both 32 and 64bit computers (x64/86)


In this tutorial I'll try and explain how you can compile you C# application for both x64(64bit) and x86(32bit) computers.

What you need:
*Visual C#2010 or Visual Studio 2010
*A C# windows forms application project

Start by opening you windows forms application project.
In the solution explorer, there should be an item called 'Properties'. Double click that item to open the properties of your project.


A new tab should open up in your project. Click on the 'build' tab to edit/view the build settings:

Change the configuration setting to 'All configurations'. All configurations basically means that you can edit settings that will both be active on the debug and release configuration

You can now change the target platform item option. Set it to 'Any CPU'

Setting it to 'Any CPU' ensures that your application will work on both 32 and 64bit computers.

You could also change this to 32bit or to 64bit only, depending on what computer you want your application to run.

I hope you found this tutorial useful.

Have a great day !

Topic: C# - Compile for both 32 and 64bit computers (x64/86)

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