VB - Nudge(MSN)

In this tutorial I'll teach you how to make your form 'nudge' like in windows live messenger.

Start by creating a new windows form application and name it nudger.

Add a button:

Set the text to Nudge and double click the button.

You'll need to make a function for this to work. Make it underneath the code of the button , don't make it in the sub of the button !

(See image)

add the following codes to the Function (buzz):
Dim locOrX, locOrY As Integer
Dim nloc As Point
Dim oloc As Point
locOrX = Me.Location.X
locOrY = Me.Location.Y
oloc.X = locOrX
oloc.Y = locOrY
nloc.X = locOrX + 5
nloc.Y = locOrY - 5
Me.Location = nloc
Me.Location = oloc
Return oloc   'optional...

Your code should look like this:

Now, add 2 timers and add the following codes to timer1:


And add the following codes to timer2:

Go back to the design of your form and set the timer1 propertie 'Interval' to 120

Set timer2 interval to 1000:

Double click the button again, and add the following codes to the button:

Run your application and click the button ;)

Download the project:
nudger.rar (63,1 kB)

Topic: VB - Nudge(MSN)

Date: 14/11/2012

By: James

Subject: Fotos are escaped

Photos are escaped

Where are the photos ?



Date: 27/09/2012

By: ross

Subject: where are the foto's ?

where are the foto's i dont what i need to do ??

